La storia dell’Azienda Bagliesi e dei suoi vini sono inscindibili da questo territorio, le colline della Sicilia centro meridionale, abitate dai Greci prima, dai Romani, dai Saraceni e dai Bizantini poi. Rappresentano uno spaccato completo della storia dell'isola. Sono tra le terre più vocate alla coltivazione della vite ed in particolare del Nero D'Avola, di cui questa area dal clima mediterraneo, ne esprime l’eccellenza assoluta.
L'identità visuale con cui abbiamo pensato di connotare l'azienda prende spunto dalle decorazioni musive di romani e greci, e, in tempi più recenti, dalle decorazioni policrome dai toni accesi e sgargianti tipiche dei carretti siciliani, tradizione e simbolo del folclore dell'isola, che hanno origine intorno al settecento. Nato come mezzo di trasporto e di lavoro, il carretto siciliano nel tempo è diventato un'opera d'arte, oltre che un veicolo di trasmissione culturale. Il progetto segue la stessa modalità intrapresa per la progettazione di logotipo e pattern, con un risultato concettualmente simile; il pattern assume il valore di supporto all'identità visuale. Ne risulta un'interessante sintesi di geometrie e colori, che rappresentano e contraddistinguono efficacemente la sicilianità dell'azienda e dei sui prodotti.
The history of Bagliesi Farm and its wines are inseparable from this territory, the hills of Sicily Center Southern, inhabited by Greeks first, Romans, Saracens and Byzantines then. They represent a complete insight into the history of the island. They are among the lands most suited to the cultivation of vines and in particular the Nero d'avola, of which this area from the Mediterranean climate, expresses its absolute excellence.
The visual identity with which we thought to connote the company takes its cue from the mosaic decorations of Romans and Greeks, and, in more recent times, from polychrome decorations with bright and gaudy tones typical of Sicilian carts, tradition and symbol of Folklore of the island, which originate around the eighteenth century. Born as a means of transport and work, the Sicilian cart in time has become a work of art, as well as a vehicle of cultural transmission. The project follows the same method undertaken for the design of logotype and pattern, with a conceptually similar result; The pattern assumes the value of supporting visual identity. The result is an interesting synthesis of geometries and colours, which effectively represent and distinguish the sicilianity of the company and its products.
The visual identity with which we thought to connote the company takes its cue from the mosaic decorations of Romans and Greeks, and, in more recent times, from polychrome decorations with bright and gaudy tones typical of Sicilian carts, tradition and symbol of Folklore of the island, which originate around the eighteenth century. Born as a means of transport and work, the Sicilian cart in time has become a work of art, as well as a vehicle of cultural transmission. The project follows the same method undertaken for the design of logotype and pattern, with a conceptually similar result; The pattern assumes the value of supporting visual identity. The result is an interesting synthesis of geometries and colours, which effectively represent and distinguish the sicilianity of the company and its products.